
Sunday 3 April 2011

12 Pesky Pixiez Doubled

So you think you have trouble, just try having not one, but TWO, yes TWO pesky pixiez living with you.
Then you'll know what trouble iz.
My day started nice and relaxing... opened the door to the nice moon shining and gotz out me deckz chair.

Gave Blissemloare a nice nozy scratch and we were enjoying da blue rayz from do moon and it woz so peaceful.

And then my earz heard the gigglingz of da twinziz.
Wotz they up to nowz?

Bobbatty was laughing so hard his chair fell back. Bibbetty thought her acorn hat was very nice, thank you very much and what was so funny anyway? So she did a little bit of tidying up which is what they were both supposed to be doing and then....
Sin came and tempted her.

Bobbatty: Do-itty, Do-itty, do dO Do...

Bibbetty: Tickletty, tuffetty...

...stuffetty stuff. Fill the nasty old kitty with feathers and fluff!
Sin: *HISSSsss...*
Twinz: *hysterical giggling*

NyXy shouts from outside the door.
"Ztop it or I'll turn you into toadz!"
Shuts door.

Now where is da wand? Can'tz turn dem into toadz without it, can I?
"See, datz da way. Just tellz em and they stop... maybe... sort of. I'm going to enjoy da moon bathing."
*squishes earplugs in*
Meanwhile inside the twinz are still giggling and Sin is still hissing.

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