

The making of the Nook.

Scrap book card used for wallpaper.
Foam board will be used to create the walls. I'm going to cut out the shape of the side walls and slot the board over it so it's more smooth.
One side will be a chimney breast and fireplace, though with NyXy'z spells going wrong, who knows how that will turn out.
Notice the crib on the right - that's because there will be a baby coming. Uh-Oh! NyXy'z in for a shock.

This shows the shape of the side wall. I thought the heart could be a window. As you can see the width of this will make the three sheets enough to cover the walls. I want some brick paper for the chimney.

I did buy crackle paint for the outside and forgot to get the first part! Duh! So I'll now have to get that online. Won't be going back to the shop for 3 weeks and I'd really like to crack on with this next week.

This book case needs to be painted black gloss, sprinkled with faery dust, gold details added and some red glitter and it's sorted.

The bookcase/shelving unit in the background will receive similar treatment. This is for her ingredients.

The Nook before anything has changed.
This will look so very different when it's finished.
I hope I can achieve what I have in mind.

Making walls
I traced round the walls onto foam board

Cut out then added to the width and height. Cut this out and made another in reverse.

Taped them into position and made a back wall. NyXy helped, of course.

She tried the crazy paving for flooring but we didn't like it.

She then tried the silver fabric and we agreed it was perfect.

The fabric was glued to some cardboard, then glued down. The wall paper was cut to make a heart window which will need painting and trimming with braid. The right hand wall is the chimney breast.
NyXy'z standing on the chair because the floor is still wet and she doesn't want to damage her feet.

The Lounge
I tried a different flooring because the other one was too short for the room.
The walls are gold board with the Regency wallpaper added to the bottom.

I still liked this floor and decided to rearrange the furniture and voila! it workds.
you can't see the gap. I was going to add a wooden dado rail, but it would push the furniture away from the wall so may add gold braid later.

Once the shelving is painted, it will look much better.
I will probably paint the lamp wire gold so that I can have it trailing down the wall and across the floor depending on where she has her desk. I want to be able to allow movement and so the wire will feed through the back left hand corner. I won't stick it to the desk permanently.

If you click on this photo you should be able to see the details better.
The wall lamp is only resting on the stove as I can't decide where to put it. Once this is in, it can't be moved, but I'm considering putting it on the right or I could put both wall lamps on the right hand wall and just have the desk lamp in the centre. I thought about putting them both on the back wall but that meant all the lights were on the back wall. Why is it so difficult to decide?
I might play with it for a while.