
Florida Trip


My cases. The large pink for the hold.
The monkey back pack for days out
and the small wallet for the money.
As my MIL said I need to say
"Give me the money!"
instead of birthday and Christmas presents this year
and as my birthday is in Deceember I could end up with more spendies before I leave.

Why do you get a BIG case?
Because I am bigger than you.
So... so that I can take you and your friends and all your stuff!
Ok, I'm glad that's sorted then. I don't know what you're so worried about. It's not as if I'm about to leave you behind, after all this whole trip is about you meeting your friends.
Fine, juzt checkingz.

NyXy is all ready to go,
the holiday isn't until 2 January 2012.

So she isn't very happy.

I offered to take her out and suggested she try this 1940's brass and copper handbag for size.

She climbed in, but was still ignoring me.
Oh come on, at least look on it as a nice way to travel on your holiday.

This iz pwetty. Can I have it in my Nook?
No, not really as it won't come off the bag.

It'z cramped.
Hmmm.... ok. I'll go and buy you something new.
Good!'z too small for me leggz to stretch.

Now this iz more like it.
Good, I'm glad you like it. I thought you'd like the pattern and the shiny gold.

And room for a friend.
Wot! Who?
How about Bliss?


See... you can both fit in comfortably.

Leave us!
How rude. And I'm not leaving because you have another bag, even though you don't deserve it because you are so incredibly rude.

Wotz diz one forz? It'z not safe for me, coz it'z squishy.
It's for your clothes.

It'z dark in here. HELPZ!

You! You shut the lid on me.
No I didn't.
Didn't... oh stop. Just look at all the space.

But it'z empty. You said all my clotheezez would be in here.
Not yet, silly. We have 9 months before we go.
So it will be full then?
No... not full.
I want it FULL!
I can't fill it with clothes because you need room for other things.
Like wotz?
Your deck chair for instance.
Some toys for Bliss and perhaps another person's clothes.
Who? Who be this other personz?
Not telling.
Are to.
Am not.
Not, not NOT!
No, I'm really not going to tell you. You just have to wait and see.

Lookz, da fish need feedingz.
Pardon? Are you trying to get rid of me?
Fine I'll go, but that hello kitty case is for going out and about during the day.

What are you doing?

I left her to sleep. I really don't want to tell her that her arch enemy, Kirscha is going to be her travelling companion as well as Bliss and maybe Rivet will join us. We have lots of time to prepare and save.
