
Monday 28 March 2011

10 Trend Setter

NyXy has some new arrivals who will appear in the regular story later, but they decided to have some fun playing today.
I don't know if they are all going to get on.
NyXy: Takingz da baby for da walkinz.
Onwardz! That meanz FLY!!!

Feyorin: I'm small by name and by nature. I can't make the $%*@ pram fly. So walk you lazy witch.
NyXy: Wotz did you say?
Feyorin: Nothin boss.

In the meantime, Bliss and Rivet tried out the travel case.

Me: Hey you two, stop the smooches. We don't want any little dragon babies now do we?

Me: Oy, are you listening? You're supposed to be trying to see if you can fit in here. Please get back to getting within the confines of the case.

Me: That looks soo snug. Oh bother... OK you can get up.

 Later we return to find NyXy has decided to get changed.

Me: What's the matter Feyorin?

(click pic to enlarge)
Uh-oh. I like it, actually, apart from the odd shoes.

Trend Zetter

Wednesday 23 March 2011

9 Leaving!

Me: What are you doing?
NyXy: *glare*
Me: What!?... Look at your nice door. Don't you like?
N: *humph*

NyXy: I'm buzy, go away.
Me: Now listen... I've been busy myself today, working on your house and making arrangements for a special trip.

NyXy: *vanishes*
Me: *blink*

NyXy: I'm readyz.
Me: What?
N: I'm readyz to go. Letz go!
Me: It's not yet. It's 40 weeks away.
N: Soz!

Me: So... You can't take this, it's too big.
N: But... I need that for all my stuffz.

Me: Nope, not having it. You're only allowed ONE bag and it goes in the hold.
N: Outrageous! Howz a witch suppozed to look her bezt?

Me: And NO pets!

NyXy: Handz off da mousie! I'm warningz ya.

Me: No pets!
N: Give himz back! You beez sorry.

NyXy: *kick*
Me: Oh great! Have a temper tantrum. Now listen, you can't take a pet and besides Mousie will be happier sleeping at home with Bibbetty.
N: *grumble* Hiz name iz Morpheus.
Me: Morpheus? The god of sleep?
N: So?

Me: Here have this as your cabin bag and you can still keep your handbag. Isn't that good?

NyXy: Keep it!
Me: Oh come on, don't be such a meanie. You are still going and you can fill your suitcase with all new clothes and you will be meeting new friends and you can eat all sorts of lovely goodies and....

NyXy: Talkz to the handz!


Me: Go away! You want me to go away?
If this trip wasn't about you, you'd be staying here. And another thing...
*rants for an hour*
N: *ignores*

Tuesday 22 March 2011

8 Ruination!

You! Wotz dis?
Me: Your front door.
NyXy: I know dat, but wotz with the no house?
Me: I've been decorating the outside... for you.

Ruination! You ruined my house... destroyed, demolished, defuncted.
Me: Defuncted? *brings in a box...*

Me: Here, I've had some things made for your house.... when it's finished.

NyXy: I like dis. It iz MY house, MY nook...

*rummages, grunts, grumbles...sighs*

Me: I like this sign. I thought you'd really like it.

NyXy: Now do it. GO AWAY!
Me: Oh thanks. So now I have to leave and I'm the one doing all the hard work. Well you can just wait another day then. I'm not going to finish your house for a while. So there. Stick that in your broom and ride it.
*huffs off*

Monday 21 March 2011

7 Look Who Landed

Things are happening behind the scenes while NyXy is feeling frustrated due to the fact that her house is in a shambles. More on that next episode, but for now, let's see who landed today....

Bobbatty: HELP! I've been decapitatatted.
Feyorin: Oh, pleeese! You never had a head.
B: Realatty?
F: Yes, really.
B: But I'll die-atty!
F: No you won't.

F: Knock, Knock
B: Who be there-atty?
F: No noddy.
B: No-noddatty? What?
F: You've got NO NODDY! hehehe

B: I'm going to die-atty!!!!
F: OK, ok, calm down.
No noddy to a noddy, put a bonce upon this body! Shzuzj...

B: I've got a headatty!
F: Let me just bash this headcap on...
B: Ouchatty! Ouch!
F: That's it. You're whole, sort of, minus a bit of brain...

Bobbatty: A bodatty and a headatty!
Hippatty, happatty, giggly go,
I'm going to dance until you start to glow!
(dances and giggles for ages)

(and ages)

Feyorin: Ok, enough now. We have to get painted.
B: You're not glowatting.
F: It's not night. I glow in the dark, remember?

(still dancing)
F: Oh great... an uncontrollable bouncing pixie.
S T O P !

B: Fine-atty
F: Fine
B&F: Humph...

After some time in the hands of the painter, er me... they emerged

Bobbatty is in fits of giggles.
F: Stop or I'll punch some sense into you.
B: Fallatty fall onto your bumatty bum.
F: I'm drying you little... ok that's it.
Put a feather in it! Shzuzj...

Uh oh! What did she mean? Some time later... we had to wait for them to stop giggling.

Oh no! She's put a feather up his...

At least he looks like a boy now, but I don't think he'll ever stop giggling.

Feyorin got her feather hair and sexy outfit plus shoes. Hand painted and her face enhanced with a metallic green gold and lime green glitter accents. Click the pics to enlarge as usual.

Space for her wings. Just need to leave her overnight to dry.
Feathers for hair, well she is an air faery or is that a bird fae.

F: Stop it Bobbatty or I'll stick another feather where the sun don't shine.
B: Giggly goo, you look like a snottatty!
F: OOoh... I'll be glad to give you to that evil witchetty... I mean witch! Now where's my Absinthe?

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Painting Furniture

Remember that pale wooded shelf unit? This is it transformed
Painted black, red glitter varnish added to edges, gold corner stickers added and voila, a gorgeous new unit.
NyXy: Who did all da workz?
Me: I did and you helped with ideas.
N: Okayz, dat workz.
Me: Thanks.

And this is the unit I was going to paint black, but I liked the dark wood and so embelished it instead.
Gold glitter striping added and sealed with gloss varnish. Gold glitter varnish on doors and enhanced with gold paint.
NyXy: I approve and da doorz open so I can putz my stuff in it.
Me: Great! You're tidier than I am.
NyXy: Everyonez tidier than you. *sigh*
Me: OK... don't tell everyone. At least I get things done.

Putting it all together... the floor has now been varnished with a matte sealant as the naughty lizards kept marking it. I've tested it and it doesn't mark now.
NyXy: Good 'coz my lizziez are going to stay and live in this room.
Me: That's why I painted it. *sigh*

Me: I see the kettle is on. May I have a cup of tea, Bibbetty? And what are you cooking? Bliss looks very interested in it.
NyXy: Tea! Who drinkz tea?
Me: I do and I expect Bibbetty does and I'd be certain that Bliss wouldn't turn her nose up at a nice cup of Earl Grey.
NyX: Bliss? Do you mean Blissemloare?
Me: *sigh* Fine... no tea. I'll get my own and no thanks from you as usual, but while I'm here I'm going to mention all the work 'I' did.
The skirting was added to the side and back walls after being painted gold. Gold glitter striping was added all around the room as a dado rail which was a right PITA I might add. I also put a black glitter stripe on the right hand wall.
The wire for the table lamp was painted black and gold and the ceiling light was STOLEN from Kirscha's dining room.
You do know she's going to want your wand for this, don't you? Fancy stealing it! Anyway, I changed it, made it shorter and will get the lighting system working eventually, but want to put the wall lights in upstairs first. I just ran out of time.

I then painted this crib silver and added the lace glitter sticker on all sides. Blue is waiting for Eddy to arrive.
When the postie came today, I was all excited hoping it was Eddy, but alas it was Part1 of the Crackle glaze. Not so exciting.
The small uprights are painted a pale lilac glitter varnish, but it's not really noticeable here.

Bibbetty tried it out too.

And finally, I put silver braiding around the heart window.
There are still things to do, but I feel 'we' achieved quite a bit today. Now I'll get that cuppa.